Saturday, October 6, 2012


I miss my work-

Nope i dont miss my corporate work- Resigning from my job and to become a full time writer had always been the  plan, yet, when i got what i wanted,  when i got something i have been craving all my life, i became lazy and crazy.

Sounds familiar- Its the simple yet elegant equation life presents to us...

We strive for something very hard- when we get it- we ignore it - or never understood the struggle we had gone through to get it-

I have been longing for - peace-love-  serene environment-sleep- to do whatever i want to do- i ll do it- like surroundings- yep- i got it- completely- i have been living my dreams in the past one month.
Well, not completely-cos i m not the kind of girl who enjoy lazyness- it creates irritation, procrastination, doubt at your own talent etc

My behavior resembles a kids one- Seeing a teddy bear- small kid- hugs and kisses it all day- second day- the teddy bear sleeps next to the baby and the third day, teddy bear will be lying in the corner of the room,without anyone's attention.
Likewise had become my intention to write- sheer arrogance- thinking i know everything attitude- lack of sense- not so desperate to write-one or two day --its fine..every day-- i m not forgiving myself.

Totally i became a package of procrastination.

Now i have to fight it, initially job was there in hands, so, most of the time will be spent at the office and have to force myself to make time for writing. Presently had become a full writer- i realised its a tuff job, its not going to be easy.

Its not about fighting others, its about fighting with yourself, making your self sit and do your work. I agree, man its not easy.
When i was in hyderabad, wake up sharp 6 am, without a minute delay i change into my running clothes , wear my shoes, start running in the park and exercises too... good to start a day like this isn't it?
Now, my normal opening eyes time(ridiculing myself it seems :)) -- is 9 AM , exactly the time, i say bye to my mother, who wake up around 6, completes all her work and very much ready to go to office.

Every one who must be following my blog or twitter accounts would have known i want to become a writer, a romance writer. And we have a huge collection of romance novels(both in tamil and english)  at our home

Right i start reading all those fantastic romances and indulge myself in nameless fantasies.
Trust me friends, that was not nice and that was not real. Work makes a man more human and nice.
I personally feel, if you are nice and human-- you will end being a wonderful human being on earth.
Finally a fantastic 2 months sabbatical had made me realize it, now its time to get back into my gangname style(hihi) i m an adapting writer...

Well, i must start finishing my novel, and considering writing one in english too.. Well, why not? I deserve to write. I am a good writer, well  improving one though, but a good writer.
So kicking myself and starting with the magic of writing. And now again i m planning to post tid bits about the story i m going to write in twitter.
I am sure, thats going to be great.

Having a fantastic 18 hr working plan. Writing, reading , running, praying, liking, loving, eating(less and well) , caring and managing myself and my time well are the new plans.....
I believe in present and positive affirmations....So  i m writing, reading, running,praying, liking, loving, eating, caring and managing myself.

Never ever i would want to spread bad messages through my writing-its my promise to my readers.
I assure my dear friends and readers a positive message spreading good books and novels.
Frankly, i m made by god to create beautiful books and novels and nothing else..
And i m good at it...
Create a work plan and follow the plan.... I am following...Kick your brain, until your brain believes your brain.....
Have a wonderful day friends.
Prathi surendran
An abnormal girl trying to fit into this wonderful world.