Thursday, September 27, 2012

Kadhal the magical word

First day college- nakshatra is really scared, because the college she joined is well-known for ragging. She heard it from her cousin divya.

 Divya was explaining on how seniors asked her to swim in the ground and dance for the latest tune "shila ki jawani"

Nakshatra asked ,"what did you do?"

For that divya coolly replied her,"of course i danced, what else i can do, when all the boys and girls were troubling me, even you will be forced to do the same" she said in such a confident tone,

Daily she started having nightmares imagining the first day college.

She had seen, 3 idiots movie recently, hence murmuring to herself, all is well, all is well- she entered the famous engineering college

Her first day- Engineering 1st year student- Nakshatra devan

Looking at her scared face, both her parents tried to soothe her," come on pappu, dont worry, everything will be fine,dont worry"

How would they know, their girl is sleepless for the past one month.

Finally the day had come- Nakshatra's father dropped her outside college and said

"all the best pappu, you best days starting now, enjoy your studies and college life," he caringly caressed her hair and said bye.

For nakshatra its like a thriller movie- what's going to happen next---- tic tic tic.

She saw a gang sitting near a tree- a group of 8-9 boys, looking at her terrified expression, one of the boy said.

"Hey egg eyes, come here- nakshatra stood as if someone glued her to the ground"

Finally her nightmare had become true-
she thought to herself ..with a scared expression on face, she moved herself and stood infront of them

Looking at the gang with a "if you hit me, i will scream expression"

"hey what is your name" one boy asked her

"I ....i am na nakshatra"

"na nakshtra - is na your initial- some other boy in the gang asked" Everyone started laughing. Tears gathered in her eyes, ready to fall down anytime, she gave it the permission.

Suddenly one other short boy in the gang started singing," twinkle twinkle little star. how i like your egg eyes star" Another big time laugh came out for this ugly rhyme he sang.

Stop it- nakshatra wanted to cry, but she was too scared to even utter a word- looking at everybody's face scared her more, finally one person looked very tall  spoke

When he spoke nakshatra turned and looked at his face, actually he was the one, she first saw, he was staring at her since the moment she came, but have not spoken to her till now, when he spoke, she was looking at him with a frightened cat expression, her teeth having a clash with each other....ta tatadadad..

But he looked totally amused by her reaction to him, he said with a smile

"hey guys, she is very scared, leave her alone"  while he said, his eyes were on her face, looking at her with a serious expression, as if he is finding what is going on inside her head.

"But vijay, we didnt do anything yet.." others objected...but again he ventured in and said..

"Its okay, leave her"  he said finally, nakshatra thought he is the gang leader, following his words, there is "hey " sound from the gang..

But vijay said to her," You leave now" , nakshatra nodded back to him and started walking as if she was running.

Everybody in the gang, was shouting and laughing at the guy called vijay- her savior 

First day went without any trouble, just introductions etc...

Nakshatra wanted to thank him personally- everyday she walks down the aisle to her class room, she meets the same gang , as soon as they see her , she will hear comments about egg eyes, big eyes, twinkling little eyes etc, she ignores all the comment, but she could not find him in the gang.

She came to know his name is vijay and final year engineering student, her straight senior. He was college foot ball team captain, informations were flowing about him, but she did not understand why she could not meet him after the first day.

 She started thinking about him more- frankly she did not even  remember his face, other than remembering, that he was good looking and tall.

But still she wasn't sure how to reach him , she wasn't sure herself. She reminded herself, just to say thanks.

Other mind warned her," Its not only to say thanks,you want to meet him"

One day, in the name of searching a professor she went to final year engineering class room, her eyes were scanning everybody in the classroom, but he was missing.

Finally, one of her senior became nakshatra's friend in the library, she slowly asked about vijay to anitha- her senior

"Do you know anyone called vijay in your class anitha akka, he saved me from ragging on the first day, would like to thank him, but he is nowhere to be seen"

Anitha was confused,"but, i see him in the class every day nakshatra, i dont know why you could not find, but dont show your interest in our class, already a big fight going on in our class for his attention, if the girls come to know about you, you will become their enemy number 1" she said and started laughing..

Nakshatra was totally red," no akka, i just want to say thanks to him, nothing else" her blush said the remaining, but anitha understood.

"Okay, come around 12 o clock to our class room to get this book from me, i will arrange something" anitha said.

Nakshatra have never been so happy in her life, her face was literally glowing , finally she will say her thanks.

Vijay kathikeyan- B.E Final year C.s

The next day, exactly the time anitha said, nakshatra visited her final year class room," As soon as she entered, their class went silent, somebody was laughing in the back seat.

It was really embarrasing every body staring at her in the classroom, but a slow but sudden movement caught her eye, she suddenly turned towards the door, it was him, going out of the classroom.

But when she met his eyes, his eyes were smiling,at her and then slowly he came back and sat on the chair straight opposite to her. She was really embarrased now, had he guessed her intention?

She silently asked for the book, and left the class room. Her face filled with tears,

Now every thing became crystal clear. She is in love- With the person, who's been avoiding her for the past 5 months. Now she went to his classroom and made herself a fool.It was so shameful.

When she entered her class room, class had already started, she went straight to the professor and said," i m not keeping well sir, can i leave home?

Looking at her flushed face, he really believed her reason and said," No problem go home and take rest"

She was walking out of her college, suddenly a bike came and stopped in front of her, in her sad mood, nakshatra didnt even look up, she moved sideways, to her irritation, the bike moved the same way.

She looked up and was about to say something harsh and saw him in the bike with a smile.

She again moved away from the bike again he came her way and said," Listen here nakshatra, i want to speak to you, now you are going to get into the bike, we will go somewhere nice to speak, college entrance is not my cup of place to talk"

She again could have avoided,but her heart is already beating fast, she just nodded her her.

And sat behind him and holding the back handle, he just looked back with a smile and did not say anything.

She didnt ask where he is going, he did not tell where  he is going.

But it was magical nakshatra thought. Finally he stopped infront of a park.

As soon as he parked the vehicle, he said," come on. we will find a nice place to sit"

When they found near a tree, both of them sat without speaking anything.

And finally he spoke," I think , you have lots of questions to ask, shoot away" He was grinning now.

Nakshatra felt so angry, why the hell he is smiling now, when she is boiling inside.

" I thought you called me because you wanted to speak to me" she said grimly.

He didnt say anything for few minutes.

"You know what i liked about you, when i saw you the first time?"

She really didnt answer , he didnt expent an answer.

" I liked your eyes nakshatra, so big and beautiful and it is really like starts, twinkling all the time in search of me, i felt like i want this girl for myself, but i wanted the same eyes to search me, to follow me everywhere, but i m sure, if i had approached you the next day, you would have just said," thanks a lot for saving me and would have forgotten me" , but i wanted you to love me, i dont know about you, for me , it was love at first sight, though i did never believed in it until i saw you, so thatsy all this drama, now is time for confession, if i had hurt you, i m sorry, but i love you, i want you to love me too, when anitha told me, you were asking about me, i was in heaven, i thought the day had come to tell you the truth, wanted to play for the last time, that is why i was about to leave the room, but you saw me before, i m happy, extremely happy, i wish you have the same feelings, i have towards you"

Nakshatra had tears in her eyes," you were wrong you know" she just told this....

He was shocked, 'What? dont tell me, you dont love me? i know you and how you were searching me?

He looked really shocked and ambushed now.

Nakshatra said with a smile," No, i meant to say, even if you had approached me the next day, i would not have forgotten you"

It took few minutes for him to understand what she was trying to say,

Now he was grinning again, he came closer and took her face in his hands and kissed her tearing eyes.


  1. Felt like readying some of those oft repeated college rom-com movie is it just a story of yours or it got some non-fiction real life events of your life?

  2. @kevin fernandes I didnt really get whether u liked it or not hahaha, well, just an imagination and agree with u its like rom com...because it is..since the age of 10 i read only romantic novels..may that influenced this too..m sure, guys dont find it to their taste kevin :) not my life incident...i have some more exciting ones..hihi

  3. And i m a MBA graduate ..not engineering..hence pure imagination..:) @kevin

  4. Actually, I read it all in one go and it was engrossing too in the sense that I wanted to know whether the girl meets the boy and what happens when she confesses it to him.I was expecting some twist in the story especially when the guy asked her come along with him on his bike ;)leading to some kind of a anti-climax....still it was engrossing and pulling one to read the next line to know what happens next and that is one quality a good writer must possess and you have got it in plenty.
    Story was good too just that it was little -what you say- typical to T but then all Rom-com love stories are so.
    Character-wise the girl was fully developed but u could have developed the guy's character a little more (that was what i felt but then i think the story demanded that the boy remain a little bit of a mystery)
    You are good story writer and hopes to read more stories from you...adieu:)

  5. Wow, no one could such a clean slate review kevin, thanks a lot, really i appreciate it a lot, Well, u could become my personal critic. wonderful, u didnt completely compliment yet, u praised the good factors and told me what u find not so nice or disliked..very very nice feed back, i value it. Thank you. Definitely write one more story, will post it and character grooming for the male character will be taken care of..actually while i wrote this too many distractions..i would nt have ended it like this..sweet dialogues are not my thing too...but its a short story..has to end fast..thatsy...once again thank you..:) @kevin fernandes

  6. I really enjoyed reading this. one very very cute um I felt that umm the lead guys role shld have made more stronger . a little bit of depth into his character what I've been better decide that it was really enjoyable very nice thanks for sharing love keep writing
