Wednesday, September 26, 2012

What i m not- i m going to be

Heavens, easy to say- difficult to follow isn't it?

i know, i know ----- i completely understand

Frankly- i have been in a worst mood since morning for no reason--- having doubts in my own decision making skills- wondering what i have been doing- what i should be doing- my whole head is filled with doubts- with this self sabotaging attitude- my dear father woke me up- for having lunch and i started shouting at him like a mad person.

I have this habit of shouting at my parents when i m in temper- being a single daughter they tolerate this worst habit of mine most of the time. But you cant always take them for granted, right?

I feel that- i have always took them for granted- which is unforgivable- changing my attitude is what i need or the present i m going to give them- how to change me and my temper- simple way keeping myself well occupied- well i m gonna list the points below, how i m gonna do it-try it for yourself

  1. Gratitude and gratefulness - parents, life, education, support, love, caring, food, sleep,tv, knowledge- for everything god had given me- i m grateful(affirmations should be in the present)
  2. Travel- I have been inside my home for the past one month- in the name of taking rest- which i should avoid completely, visiting local entertaining places, tomorrow morning in the first place.
  3. Write- A procrastinating writer- this word applies to me- But finishing my novel very soon is the first , foremost target
  4. Trying to find good in everything- I always had been a cynical human being- i must change that- i must find time to love- i must try harder to love-
  5. I have to keep challeging myself- which i have stopped doing since i started working in corporate- i m not blaming anyone...but challenging ourself keeps us focused on our goals
  6. Stop self sabotaging- i was not writing for the past few weeks- not much anyway- why- the doubts in my mind- keep asking- do you really know how to write- can you really write- are you really born to become a writer-my goodness-so many doubts- all i had to kill! So now i had killed it- time to jump into action
  7. Exercising- A greatest boon given by god to human is moving our body in all forms- Exercising, yoga, dancing, walking, running- if every human on earth does these moments. i m 100% sure we all will be very happy- hence starting...
  8. Dont do it for others attitude- i always kept in mind that- My work should please me first- then it will automatically pleases others- thats true...writing for others spoils your or anybody's creativity
  9. Live your life- Living my life.....
These are all the factors i m going to practice and follow in my life, to make myself a better person.

Hope reading this will urge at least a bit towards your goal

Have a great life


  1. Its completely sane and alright to have doubts abt ones ability... I guess thats a motivating factor( whatelse can i do. ) to try and push ourselves to achieve goal after goal..

  2. Yes, True! Thatsy we must keep challenging ourselves , always :) Thanks for the comment @sane blogger
