Saturday, September 22, 2012

A guest speaker- Surreal

As i have recently- permanently re-located to my hometown madurai ,i wanted to connect with all my old buddies, friends, teachers, family, relatives etc...

Called one of my professor Ramkumar singh sir, who is very famous for socialising with the students and always had a good relationship with me, while chatting the general issues, he asked me for a visit to my old college where i have done my bachelor of business administration.

Considering it for a moment i said yes!

Went to my college, " no i did not feel any nostalgia, it felt very normal to visit my old college, when and saw my professors, coveyed my regards to them. Then, suddenly, my professor started asking about me giving a guest lecture for the day, i was little hesitant to talk, as i have not achieved anything great yet in my life. But he said, just talk about your experiences , thats enough.

I went inside the classroom and saw the students, a younger version, hopeful yet afraid young indians like myself, then i boosted myself , and started speaking about everything that is good in my life

Like, books, reading, educating ourself, knowing languages, exercise, walking,running, committing yourself to the goal, having a good educational backround..everything i discussed in the given 45 minutes for me. Thanks to my sir once again.

It felt great to share your experiences and motto's with very much a  younger generation than you and they look at you with so much of hope. Then i understood teaching profession is not to be ridiculed at,  it is to be worshipped. I m grateful to all my teachers. Every one of them...

Starting from my Amudha mam from my first college, who is an example of a majestic lady with dignified qualities in her to my spanish sir shahir. Thanks to every one of them. Life is great. Lets not insult the most purified profession on earth.

A grateful human today
Prathipa surendran

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