Thursday, September 20, 2012

I have been bad and that hurts- A Personal cribbing,

Sometimes, i hate to crib about me in my blog. I feel , it should be about others, their feelings, their emotions, more than my own feelings and importance.

yet, its better to write about the subject you know than the one that you are not aware of...

I have behaved badly today, we have a woman's hostel in our home and few of the hostelites were discussing some issues with my mother. My mother is well known for making others wishes and interest more important than her personal interest. I sometimes call her reincarnation of mother teresa, trust me she acts like one most of the time.

And today, since the moment she came from office, she had severe knee pain, ofcourse i helped her with some ointment, but the pain persisted due to the lack of calcium in her body. I was urging her to sleep, she was not listening, then she started talking to my hostelites, it irritated me.
I went between their discussion, was very rude to my mother, asked her to go to her room and sleep. My mum said, i will sleep when i want, you go, again i was irritated,hence i told you sleep outside, i will sleep inside locking the door.

My purpose was to make my mum understand the importance of giving rest to her body, then i realised i didnt give her enough independence to make her own decisions, who am i do interfere in her needs and decisions. Its her life, she knows what she wants!

I behaved badly, it hurts

I learned a lesson today, always give importance to others feelings, before making them obey you.
Dominating somebody is definitely not happiness,which i had experienced today.

I thank my mother for teaching me this lesson

A personal cribbing

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