Monday, September 17, 2012

Don't know Indians- A happy-tragic tale

I want to tell you a real story! A story about dont know indians!
Including myself. I m a dont know indian.

What we dont know?

We dont know anything, we dont know politics, we dont know racism, we dont know heroism, we dont know idealism, we dont know patriotism, we dont know corruption, we dont intelligence, we dont know CBI, we dont know police, we dont know politicians, we dont know prime minister!!!

Bottom line -- we dont know anything! Is this safe for the country, is this wise, is this good, is this protective?

It is not- why?

Anna hazare- The man , at such old age,came and rocked the country in just matter of time, he became the darling of the masses, people's savior, protector,darling of the media, from every nook and corner of this country people just could not wait to show their support.

we support anna was the fastest moving word of the year 2011 and the beginning of 2012, and then started the politics, cases were filed against people inside anna's team, anna himself was not sure, what was going on, finally a true gandhian person, was forced to back out due to the extremely calculative and brilliant plan of the government.(a sakuni plan)

In our country, every one wants to be a hero, but no one is ready for heroic activity. Everybody wants to be a leader, but they are not ready to lead.(including me, i m a dont know indian, remember)  I personally feel, indians do lack the skill of judging people.
Please do judge people and judge correctly. Dont go by media flame and thirty minute footage popularity we indians are learning to love everyday.

So many reality shows are taking our wonderful life and time. There is always a singing and dancing show in every entertainment channel in the country, have any of you wondered or bothered that dancing and singing is just entertainment, its a part of the life, its not life. we are forcing our kids to be competitive and pressurizing them, not giving them a reasonable solution on how life is or how should be? The sad  fact is, we our self dont know a reasonable solution.

My only regret is - why are we not analyzing every situation-  why we are just going by just 0.01% facts, when remaining 99.99% facts are yet to be unfold. we cant blame goverment for this, we are to be blamed. People of india.

Have any one of you wondered japan had the same 60 years and india also had the same 60 years, now japan is a super power and india is still a developing country.Come on friends, how long will we develop, when we are going to rock the world, politics, governance, infrastructure.

I have been very badly hurt by a recent news- IIT's and IIM's are not under the top ten universities in ASIA. Oh my god, how shameful!! isn't it?  It is more shameful than not winning more than 6 olympic medals. But for us, its a news,  i am sure, 90% of the youngsters who watched the news, felt bad for a moment and walked off freely. Because we have completed our education, we are not studying any more. our only reaction to the story is , how sad?

1000s of different ways to develop the country, yet we youngsters wouldn't even move a finger and that kind of indians dont have the right to blame anyone except ourselves. Do something for this country, working in an IT company, earning a lakh salary does not make you a great person, do listen to your heart and do something for yourself and for this wonderful country.

Bottom line- Before supporting anna hazare, congress, bjp, narendra modi , baba ramdev, chetan bhagat- anyone for that matter. Do analyze the person and make sure you are following the right leader. If you are following the wrong leader, do very carefully remember, you are leading a wrong society.

Dont be a dont know indian

If you cant do much, at least plant a tree, for our future indians....Please


Prathipa surendran


  1. Correct thaan.... But we cant compare japan or singapore because our population is such... the next thing is not only illiteracy rate even we people still prisoners of castism and langism... so we have to wait for a change hope get changed soon....

    All the best for ur writing

  2. Sometimes its better to be a fool than intelligent.
