Friday, September 14, 2012

Confidence is something we create

I believe these words below--

Confidence is something we create- I seriously don't know how many of you would agree with me!!!

But i m going with this view point!

Life is just the way we want-  If we want it good, it will be good - if we want it bad- it will be bad

What we think - we become, what we want- we achieve, what we desire- we get it

Its that simple

Its me who took the decision of resigning from the job and coming back to my hometown

But after i came back to madurai, i had my inhibitions. Because i would not be getting, what i was getting

The big boy - My monthly salary

Believe me it took a high level of guts to quit the job and start a new life, it isn't easy! Its actually very difficult. But i m going through the phase everyday. I understood,if i wanted to be happy, i have to make myself happy, if  i wanted to be sad, i have to make myself sad, if i wanted to do anything, i have to do it.

No one else will, life is something, which is based on instructions. we instruct our brain, our heart, every cell in the body and one fine day our body will listen to our instructions, that particular instruction will become our habit, habit becomes our routine and that routine builds up a life.

Please do not waste a minute of it. Enjoy your present and prepare yourself for the best future and learn from the past, do no repeat the mistakes.

Life the fullest with happiness!

Prathipa surendran

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