Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Aseem trivedi- The cartoonist who is not funny

Assem trivedi- The cartoonist who is not funny....

Yesterday, after a long time, watched all the news channels, fighting to show this fellows face, who i personally found looked like a mini- or maxi BHAGAT SINGH

The protest and the need to eradicate corruption from our beautiful land is truly appreciable.
Though it comes in the form of violence and criticism , its time we motivate people like him

Friends, he is just 25 and he has the guts to do something which we all think twice even 10000 times to do, opposing government like congress( a divine motivator of corruption and corrupted people in the country) is not very easy task. Infact, ruthless politicians are capable of doing anything, which we all are aware, that is why a normal middle classed indian is hesitant to approach the democracy in a democratic way, we are scared of the society and its bribing norms.

Frankly, i have bribed people.If i had to go into the front seat, thats allowed and apparently motivated. Why would i do that? Have i wanted to bribe someone? Have i been interested in bribing somebody?

No, not at all, Indians, with the force of society,norms, culture and some more stupidity are forced to do it.

Simple yet ugly factor

If i dont pay 300 Rs bribe to the policeman who comes to inquire for my passport i wouldnt be getting my passport on time.

How was that? Can anyone deny the truth of it?

Could somebody tell me, how many of you paid bribe to the policemen who comes for inquiry for our passport?

Typical situation!

I personally would like to call india as a country which is -- corrupted, developing like a tortoise, ugly racism(we are racist), worthless politicians, stupid media, idiotic entertainers, slow and parroted middle classe ndians .

Heck me, but i love my country, we indians love our country.

Last but not the least, the most stupid, silent , idiotic prime minister- An ugly looking italian rules this beautiful bharat matha..

My hands are raising to wipe her tears, as part of this beautiful land....but dont know how to console her.

My mother, please dont cry we sure will find a solution for your tears and make our country a joyful one.

The bottom line

Support people like Aseem trivedi- He is a star at 25, we ought to support  him who is bold enough to challenge the goverment and its mistakes

After all, we all love to have a country, which is corruption-Zero... i m sure its more powerful than size -zero

With love

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