Wednesday, October 10, 2012

FDI-Songs-Blog-writing-job-life- Well i m not confused

Today i want to write about everything.I don't know why i have this urge-not just  a single topic, but a collection of topics.

Everybody who is favoring FDI in india -retail, whatever, i m strictly against americans coming to india, whatever form that might be.....

I had an american analyst-when i was working in cognizant who personally favors my trainer(she migrated the process from US, their equation is/was great), hence he resented my presence and interference in the job since the beginning.

But, i was too naive to understand, why he was always trying to find fault when i was trying to please him all over and trying to do the best job i could. Later on he did everything to make my days difficult, everyday was a torture, coming to office and opening the mail and searching for an escalation. All this happened despite giving the best efforts and clean slit work.

Once i had also commented little strongly and unfortunately updated  a facebook status(where i literally complimented him), he became truly offended and reported the issue to the senior guys and i was moved out of the team.

Why i told this small-short story of mine is because of the fact- FDI coming or already came to india, its a suicide this country is committing to itself. Its not going to benefit the country in any way, its just going to be another british rule, but the sad part is we will realize it after 200 years and one more gandhi or subhash chandra bose or bhagat singh has to come for our rescue.

Its sad, our light, day, progress everything would be depended by americans and even if they slit our throat we have to keep mum. Government is doing everything in their power to shift the issue from FDI- like increasing prices etc. (with the help of the stupid opposition- BJP never opposes anything, except disrupting the parliament)

We are not here to charmed  by rahul gandhi or sushma swaraj( i found both of them very ugly-inner especially)

We have to protect our country, we need to save the tears, we are not american slaves, if we say very nastily, we are not here to lick their dicks(may sound ugly, but thats the result of slow invasion of americans and their companies in india)

Why cant we be like china- they have their self pride- they are not american clones, they have their own brains and they use it. Indians, dear brothers, sisters, and the people whom i sight(ogle) , fathers mothers, students, writers, pls pls raise this issue up and protest

If only atleast 10 people read and understand the seriousness of this urgent yet bad move of congress i would be very happy.

Now moving back to me.....:)

Its irony ---when you really want to listen to a fastest beat, channels play all the slow songs( anyway loving it)

Blog writing had been stopped due to the fact-we have 20 hrs of power cut in my city (here also state and central government playing a wonderful game, we poor citizens of tamil nadu suffering with no light to light ourselves)

Realising the value of money - i m not having a job at the moment and thats kinda scary.  Will think about it.

Life is pretty cool - Father and mother treats me  like a princess. i have always been treated that way. Advantage of being a single daughter  i guess. Started with my novel, after starting it, i understood its not always easy to frame your thoughts into writing. In fact its downright difficult, you have everything in your mind, yet the words would not come or i m just feeling scared.

Anyways i m happy, i get to read a lot, thats refreshing. If i ever be stranded somewhere, i hope its a place filled completely with books of my needs...

Happy i m living...

Be happy dear folks as i m happy...

A happy girl today
Prathi surendran


  1. Be clear in what you are opposing- Are you opposing the FDI in Retail sector OR altogether you are in opposition to FDI in every sense i.e. a la Nehruvian socialist economical outview- after you give the clarification on this point I can make my comment in detail.

  2. I am opposing it altogether....we need to build entrepreneurship is my point..indians lack creativity, our educational system is too bad, IITs and IIMS are not even in the top 20. We lack boldness, and giving them a chance would worse the situation , we will become their slaves..(US) may sound a generalised point of view, but if we look into detail, u will find i have a valid point.

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