Saturday, October 27, 2012

Just a quote day!!! :)

I am ready for  a fun post, are you?

Its been long i had written something funny

I most of the time post serious  topics, enough is enough.shhhhhhh

Well- today is quote day

All my own one and two lines...

Enjoy and comment if you really loved it...

I wish you will love it.. right . right...get into action prathipa...

  • I never compare myself to others- its a shameful and deceiving thing u do for urself-pls be kind to u
  •  Stopped writing after coming to madurai- hometown laziness- sincere, profound apologies to myself 
  • My quotes are impressive- though i m no one big enough for the world- i look vishvaroop to myself- i m a leader - leading myself- happy  
  • What a day- my grand mother came dancing to fight with my mother- a small chity chaty family fight- lovin it ;)
  • Stopped being awake at 5 after coming to madurai- sincere apologies to myself 
  • Everybody says- if u r urself- u cant survive- i am the best example
  •  Love love love- thats the only word i know- rest all is unknown to me - Osho- reading his lines making me feel extra - ordinary
Well, i hope you enjoyed my cribbing, miew

Have a marvelous day
As i m having one
Prathi the born writer, who is quoting now...

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