Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Threaten your fear Day 98

I have been writing the past week about my "SPANISHREADINGOPHOBIA"

It was affecting me mentally, physically! My confidence level was very low!

I didnt feel confident or enthusiastic about anything in life!

It was dull, colorless, motionless, sleepy, dragging! Totally a bore and a nightmare!

Then i decided to kill my fear and threaten it!

Dear enemy fear, U r gonna die, baby,I m gonna kill you!!!

Yeah, i know ! Killing is totally against hindi manudharma, I cant kill any creature which belongs to this world!

But this non existing- hero(he exist only in our minds)

We should never feel guilty about killing him!

Well, how to kill him! Its not as difficult as i thought it would be, in fact, it was pretty easy!

I just started my work and my fear went away! Its that simple!

Coming sunday is my exam! Last week, i was totally an ignorant on subjects! Even now, i cant completely say i read everything!But i m sure, i can practice, i am already practicing !

Which means, my practice definitely makes me perfect in a few days! For sure!

So, fear is gone and confidence is back! We have to keep telling our self that every bad feeling goes off us, once we get into motion and start working!

So kill the baby- The fear- He deserves to die!

Wish you all a fantastic independence day - 66 years of freedom from british!

We are yet to make a difference! but we can!


Always with love

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