Friday, August 17, 2012

Day 100- A complimentary

This is my 100 post! Target 365- 100 days(yes, i missed few posts, due to unavoidable reasons)

I m really sorry for that!

I have started this 365 day blog concept out of nowhere! Wanted to do something with life!

Something great! An achievement! A Success! A feel of satisfaction!

I m doing what i wanted, and i wanted that feeling!

I never was satisfied with my corporate life!!! Some might call that stupid--But i never was!

Always i have a basic instinct which says,  that i m born to create something ! when i die- people will remember me  for the product i have created or the brand name or a book, anything thats a creation! At  my last moment, i want to feel the satisfaction of a women, who did something with her life, without wasting a moment! Well, its too precious to waste!

And i am happy about this blog and creativity which flows in- Its not easy, but not very difficult too. Life is telling me a fairy tale! I am a person who believe in fairy tale!

It says," Prathi, you are a born achiever, you are born without any delay to your parents, god wants you to leave a message to this world,hence, go fast , play the role, act in the drama and come back"

Believe me or not! I always have this feeling inside me! I have to do something!

So people, who have read my blog, since last may, trusting my posts, my words and the motivation it created! Thank you for your valuable and wonderful time! Asking for people's time is a crime. Because everybody has so much to do in their life, yet, you friends, came and read my blog!

I am indebted to you all- Thank you once again and i m grateful!

Please give your heartfelt support and pass on your energy to me, so that i could continue writing without feeling guilt about taking your time!

I pray to almighty, we all reach where we always wanted!

Always with love

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