Saturday, August 18, 2012

A Wonderful love story!

She was a girl with braces! A cute spectacle which covered her nose completely! She was a nerd, but a cute nerd! Sometimes nerds are cute too.

Well, he is her uncle's son- aka cousin! A handsome hunk, who always ignores her...she is secretly in love with him for sometime. He comes from america once in a year for a month ,never ever she thought she will fall in love with at the age of 15, but she did, with him. He doesn't know yet.
She thought, at her 16th birthday, she will confess her true love to him and he will say yes, yes, yes.
And they will live happily ever after.

Suddenly,"Mia, take the tea tray and give it to all your cousins in the green room honey"

The nerdy mia suddenly got so tensed, looking at him now a days has been a torture,her heart starts pounding fast and she looks red! Totally red.He does not  know anything about her feelings, thatswhat she thought, whenever he saw her red face , whenever she looks at him, he looks down his nose at her! At times, mia gets really confused at his expression. Well, in those books she read, prince charmings always look at their princesses with a romantic expression. Not like this, as if he is going to hit me any time sooner.

But, she is a little teenage girl with romantic emotions, and little though she knows about guy's interest in a woman, well, she is not a woman yet, but she will be , sooner the better!Mia thought herself with a grin.

She took the tea tray and rushed towards the green room! when she was about to knock, she heard her name. Halt, mia !! Her cousin, nina was speaking" Hola, krish, mia has a die hard crush on you, whenever she sees you, the love is  melting from her eyes to her nose and into her mouth" and nina  pretended as if she was barfing!Mia's heart stopped for a moment, a stab of pain entered her heart!
So this is what it is, does krish thinks the same thing about me too?

To not make her question unanswerable, krish himself spoke," Oh my god, i hate coming to india for this one reason alone, she and her braces, yuck, how would anyone look at her face without feeling to puke, damned nina, you totally underestimated my taste, i would always go for a girl like laila, who is beautiful, charming and totally desirable! okay, that's the answer to her questions!Mia thought

And he was saying something more," I wish this girl stop bothering me, otherwise i have to speak to her parents about her behavior or they probably too hoping for me to be their son in law, gosh that's bad"

That's it! She had , had enough! She came down the stairs with a tearfull face, kept the tea tray in the floor, ran towards their home and locked her room! Mia, did you give them their tea? And her mum heard no answer, she asked again," Mia, are you gonna answer me? did you give them their tea ?

Mia stopped crying for a moment and said yes in a mumbled voice.

Heck 10 complete years passed. Last ten years Mia made sure, she never saw krish! Luckily, her efforts paid off, she was sent to hostel to do her education and now she is a famous attorney general of high court with a series of success stories.

After a win in a critical case, mia was desperate for a break! Hell, this job was backbreaking, hence she decided to go to her grand parent's home, She was sure, her american cousins visit once in a year and they definitely would not be there at this point!

She packed her case in a jiffy and was on her way to her grand parent's home! Home sweet home, where mia spent some wonderful part of her life, fantasizing something which was  not very real, but heck, it was good, dreaming the wonderful, but it was a short fairy tale by a princess who believed a person as prince charming and he turned out to be an ogre.

Well, she is going to have a great time, meeting her grand parents , and she called her mother on the way and heard even her parents are at her grand parents home, this is it! Perfect time for perfect holiday and she hoped, she would have great leisure time with her closed one's and have a blast!

And here we go, as soon as she entered she saw few foreign cars, and was doubtful who visited her grand parents. There was a stab of pain again in her heart hoping to see a person, she hoped would not see all her life. But, he was there, when she entered all her family members having tea in the garden, stared at her!

First her aunty,Krish's mother spoke," Oh my god, is this our mia, she's totally grown up, could not believe my eyes, my girl you turned out to be a beauty" her aunt was panting speaking so fastly
Mia gave a warm smile to her, walked towards her mother, gave her a tight hug , she carefully avoided looking at the young group, who did nothing but staring, then she started speaking with her grand parents, then her uncle had entered into their conversation,

" Dear mia, you cant speak all day with your grand parents, do you? why dont you come and have a talk with us, we are very happy to see you after years, say almost 8-9 years"

"Its 10 papa" Krish intervened

"Oh my god, time pass on so fast, we never knew, our kids grew up faster too" he started laughing at his own joke. Mia always liked krish's father. He was always sweet to her and its his son who had problem with her feeling not his father anyway. Now, there is no issue, doesn't it? She is successful in her own way! Can chose the man she really wants to marry! At office, already a fantastic advocate proposing her for marriage, she is considering saying "yes". Atleast he would not insult her or tease her about her looks. Mia still remembers those words from krish,"Yuck, yuck, yuck, she is horrible"

Now, krish was standing next to her,"hello mia, long time? he said with a casual smile.

She herself dont know, how she found herself totally controlled,she replied him in a clipped tone,"yes, long time, how are you?

He had a teasing smile, which she found very intimidating,after all this, stop this mia-- gosh  stop this mia, she told herself.

"I heard you are practicing law, thats a wonderful profession you chose mia, feels great to have a lawyer at home"

She just gave a smile to him and said, "Excuse me, i think you mum's calling me" ,

"Hey wait, we have so much to catch on, you became a very reserved person, i heard lawyers talk a lot, what happened to the one with the braces who talks endless" Again he said those words with a big grin, she felt like punching his face!

"Well, i am the same person, grown up a bit, thatsall" now her aunt was really calling her name, she just made an escape.

She felt a pair of eyes on her all the evening. What the hell? Why he is looking at her like this? hasn't he said enough about her! Everybody was smiling at her and at krish for reason which she did not understand.

It is at the dinner time, when her grand father spoke everything came out crystal clear.
So now we all know, why i had called,mia was oblivious to anyone except krish and his eagle eyed stare at her, was confused totally and trying to coming out of it.When her grand father started speaking she was not expecting anything great except for the goodness of family gathering after a long time.

Everybody looked at him, half of the faces were totally lit by pleasure, as if expecting a extra ordinary pleasure. Now mia was curious , whats happening here. It looks like , every around here knows about what gran is about to speak except her. She suddenly turned towards her parents side, their face filled completely with happiness and her mother was controlling her tears.

For heaven's sake whats going on?

The answer came via her grand father," I would like to make arrangements for mia and krish's marriage soon. I am getting older, could not wait to see my grand children's marriage. I was hoping for this marriage for a very long time,  i m sure both your parents are happy about this mia and krish.
Both of you already look like you are made for each other, god i m so happy".......

Mia's reaction was just a long pause, she raised her eyes and looked at krish. He was waiting for her to look up and gave a grin and said raised a glass in acknowledgement as if he is very happy about this arrangement. Mia was furious. Who did he think he is... A girl should be, well, must be asked permission to be married! But, here in her family everything happens as per everyone's wish.
She turned and ran out of the room, everyone was confused and started at her.

She went into the park, usually the large rose garden soothes her pain. Today its lost its power.
She was staring at it with tear filled eyes.Behind krish came, sat next to her. For full 5 minutes, both of them said nothing. Silence was never this confortable, thought mia.

And he spoke," Listen mia, whether you want it or not , you are going to marry me , thats final, we are not making any changes in this, i know how much you always hated me, you never came once to see me in this last 10 years, where i was moaning about you everywhere i go, what did i do? we did not speak, i did not utter a word, you were a kid, mum said, you need to grow up, god i waited, didn't i? Now every thing is coming along, i dont want you to spoil this.. you hear?. i love you and you are going to marry me, i have waited enough for a stupid girl, who never realized or cared for me, i m in deepshit of love, thats making me wanting to bang my head on the wall, you never know any of this do you? while, you were happily studying and dating that stupid in your office, come on mia, you can do better than him, dont you think i m better than him, and now you came crying out, what should i think? A girl i loved for years, dont gives a damn about me?

Mia was in deep shock and asked," You love me?"

For a moment, he did not reply,he was staring at the rose garden in front of them," You dont know?How would you know, when i have never expressed myself, and then he turned her side and said," I loved you for 12 years, you were 13 and i was 19. A teenage boy fallen in love with his little cousin and never came out of it. At that age, i was not sure , it was love or infatuation,
i just felt, i want this small girl with braces to be my wife, i will earn lots of money and will marry her one special day"

Mia was totally shocked to even utter a word. A World of happiness is knocking her door, but she was afraid to open it, believing someone will say, its all a dream, but before all that, she has her questions to ask!

He saw her confused face, said  , what is your problem mia? Ask away, i m waiting to know, what is in your mind?

'I heard you speaking about me once , about how ugly i look and how you hated me ,with nina , i heard, u know, i was hurt, i m hurt, how could you speak about the girl you love,like that?

Now he looked shocked," Oh mia, that was for turning off the interest we were creating around our cousins, they were teasing me endless, i wanted to put a stop to all that, hence i was pretending to speaking bad about you,  so every one mind their own business, crazy girl, you heard and you believed?

Mia smiling inspite of herself," well, how did you expect to behave, when you spoke so badly about me, i avoided you like plague only after that, you killed the feelings i had towards you, now asking me to marry you, what do you expect, a happy yes?

"Yes, that is what i m expecting, that is what you are going to say, yes , a happy yes" he said grimly

Seeing his expression, she felt a wave of happiness sweep over her and said happily," Yes, yes , yes"

1 comment:

  1. this story is cute. I really liked it. I like the fact that he actually liked her be4 she became successful and pretty. a little character development would have been better
