Monday, August 13, 2012

Being idle creates tension- Day 97

Since morning i did nothing!

What it did to me?

I had a bad day

I slept all day

I didnt study anything

I did nothing useful.....

When u did nothing ! U did nothing !Nothing at all!

U r definitely going under depression! I reached out to depression and was calling it to hug me!

Y? cos i did nothing useful the entire day! My day was a total  nightmare...

If you want to achieve something in your life- Please be productive!

Do something- Which occupies your mind!

Never let the "sitting simply" or "watching a tv" or " chit chating"  etc SATANs occupy your mind!

Idleness spoils you- That's the abcd of all problems...Resist your idleness

Work out- Work on- Rock on

Love you

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