Monday, August 6, 2012

Convince your mind Day 89/90

Convincing yourself!

First we have to believe, than we can make others believe!

How we make our self believe in our goals, how we convince our mind that we are making the right decision? how we convince our brain to instruct good habits and discard the old and bad ones.

Its via affirming!

Stand infront of a mirror, or speak to your self loudly when others are not around or when others are around!

Be louder, be clearer ! But make your brain receive your message!

That you can do...

For ex :) If you feel your self not good looking

Stand infront of mirror every morning and tell your self i m the most beautiful person on earth!!

I am kind, i m loving, i love myself and i dont need the approval of others.!!

Everyday....Every second...remember...affirmation works beautifully, if you really believe in it and follow it truthfully!

Hence, convince and affirm your brain! You will see changes!

Always with love

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