Friday, August 3, 2012

How to value time!!! Please Day 88

Please dont waste time!!! Its not a suggestion, its an order to all of you!!!!

Including myself! Because, self- instruction or advise is more important than external advise i m giving out!!

Life is too damn short to waste a precious day or even a second!!!

Collection of seconds makes a minute, collection of minutes makes an hour, collection of hours makes a day, collection of days makes a life!!!!

So, please dear friends,.........

Dont waste time in front of that stupid idiotic box called Television!!!

It gives us nothing but boredom!!! A craving for more entertainment!!!

As we crave more and more entertainment in life, we lose touch with the reality!!!

We dont want that, do we????

Every one of us, at some point of time, want to connect with reality, trust me, if we sit in front of television, reality is the last thing we will be connected with!!!

Life is so simple! Use your time, protect your time, value your time!!!

Come on pals, its our life, isn't it?? We have to value it!!!

If we give one Rupee or dollar to somebody we know the importance of the money!!!!

Definitely at our heart, we feel good, because, its our hard earned money!!! Each and every penny is important!! Hence, we knew the value we are giving out!

Likewise, time has value, and the problem is its depreciates......

We have all the time is the worst sentence in this world!!!

Truly, we dont!!!!

Today is the day, No one knows, what happens tomorrow and we dont have the power to change the past!

Change only today, use today wisely, value it, protect it, praise it, love it, care it!!!

When you turn back and look at the drama as an artist at the age of will be happy for living the life to the fullest.

I know i m right!!! So, remember, its not a suggestion, its an order!!!

Value time!!!

Love u

Always with love

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