Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Day 104- M Studying hard

I am studying hard for my spanish exams!

I missed almost 6 weeks of classes, due to unavoidable , sometimes avoidable reasons!

Avoidable reasons were- Laziness, procrastination, idiocracy, stupidity and self centered arrogant attitude that i know everything.

But the bold cracker bursted out, when i saw my spanish level 2 books, hell it was tuff and difficult

So, i decided, i will study this 3 days, whatsoever,pass or fail, good or bad....

Success or failure---- i will study this 3 days, so if my efforts pays off, i will get good marks, if not i will fail.

But i m not gonna get threatened by fear. I m challenging my fear.

I m 100% confident , that i am going to do real great in my exam.

So, threaten your fear and take bold steps towards the world!

Success or failure doesnt matter, as long as the path you walk is enjoyable...

Because golden and challenging moments in life will never come back!

Enjoy threatening fear dear friends..till then

Always with love

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