Monday, June 25, 2012

Present-Love it! Day 48 Target 365

Once again, its time to remind all of you and me about the importance of the present!
When something happens in the past, may be we feel terribly  low and unbelievable shaking in the confidence level, self doubt increases!!!
I understand!
The past week had been hell!
I had lost 3 phones in just 2 days, had fallen over in the street 3 times, had a bad interview , had an obnoxious fight with my mother!!!
I cant really blame others for my mistake!
Accidents happens, we tend to lose our temper on times, with the people we love!
But never let them go away! Snatch them into your own life!
When situations like this arise!!!! Think about the present, and learn from the past! And never let your previous day mood, affect your present day one.
Life is to live happily ever after!
It’s a cliché!
But a cliché worked wonders with people!
Please do believe in it and enjoy your life.
Always with love

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